I left a year ago because our loved ones suffer perhaps what you too- do not like to see us standing on a motorbike. I say generally, because there are always people who only just come up with their loved ones: the couple boyfriend-girlfriend is the prototype tandem love with each other and, incidentally, of the bikes. Why our mothers (and fathers), our spouses, our children, our friends ... not always smile at us when they see us with the hull below the forearm? Because they know that the bike has different and greater risks than a car. And as we want, they resist not only them ride on the bike albeit package, but we ourselves are motorists. What they say is all very reasonable, let's face it. But the bike also offers advantages that neither the car nor taxi, public transport or are able to match. And I do not speak leisure motorcycling (also), but the work and efforts of life itself. That said excuse me if I have extended too- go to the issue that, above all, try to make you see how to save a little or a lot to hire a motorbike insurance.
For all the above, no matter who, no motorbikes and incidents: accidents, theft, etc. Hence anyone who approaches a motorcycle escape achieve such insurance. The world of motorcycles has its special characteristics. Input, the model of the bike affects the rate of the policy. It is not enough with the price of the bike because it is not the only criterion that affects the model can determine a higher or lower price. Tip 1: Calculate your insurance as models, not vice versa. What age it is a classic. The younger, more foolish think (because nobody dares to speak much less write it as I am now) insurance companies. As if a person were vaccinated of any mishap.
Anyway, here are the statistics who send little can rebut. But do not despair but be patient because if you start young and gain experience, eventually you will take advantage of bonuses as anyone. Tip 2: Do not rush, everything comes. Do you have other insurance other things? For example, home or car ... by that economy of scale some insurers will lower the policy of the bike through other insurance. Something must be negotiated, but that's life, a pure negotiation: I give, you give me today for me, tomorrow for you. Tip 3: Negotiating is the art of saving: you can. It goes from age-related tricks. Our father puts money for the bike and we will put him as policyholder. So it seems that we charge less and saved a little money. Well ... first ensures that your father drives motorcycle you do not ridiculous when you bring the papers. But he also believes that eventually you will not be anyone to seniority and bonuses, whatever the insurance company. Tip 4: there are shortcuts that are not and this could be one of them. Layaway! Eureka! (Unused expression to express joy for discovery, I try to recover now). Yes, but not: pay slowly but if you have enough money to pony up the annuity blow, most likely save you some cash.